Progressive Badges :
a. Usaha Badge (Usaha means Strive)
b. Maju Badge (Maju means Progress)
c. Jaya Badge (Jaya means Success)
Usaha Badge | Maju Badge | Jaya Badge |
Proficiency Badges : (Number indicates the amount of badges that must be taken)
a. Kegemaran Badges x 2 (Kegemaran means Interest)
b. Pengetahuan Badges x 3 (Pengetahuan means Knowledge)
Berkhemah | Memasak | Pelihat | Perhutanan |
Akademik | Perintis | Pendayung | Perhubungan |
Astronomi | Pengembara |
c. Perkhidmatan Badges x 3 (Perkhidmatan means Service)
Pertolongan | Pemadam | Penyelamat | Juru Bahasa |
Setiausaha | Komuniti | Kuatermaster | Pengawal |
Anti-Dadah | Masyarakat |
Highest Award : The Green Cord/Lanyard
Progressive Badges :
a. Jayadiri Badge (Jayadiri means Personal Progress) b. Kemahiran Badge (Kemahiran means Skill) c. Kegiatan Badge (Kegiatan means Activities) d. Ekspedisi Badge (Ekspedisi means Expedition) e. Perkhidmatan Badge (Perkhidmatan means Service)
Jaya Diri | Kemahiran | Kegiatan | Ekspidisi | Perkhidmatan |
THE KING SCOUT AWARD [PENGAKAP RAJA] (Equivalent to the Eagle Scout Award)
The ultimate training Award for Boy Scouts is the King’s Scout Award. It requires extremely high standards of self-discipline, leadership and achievement in activity, interests and community service.
King Scout Award
Highest Award : The Gold Cord/Lanyard and King Scout Award
Progressive Badges :
a. Expedition Badge
b. Service Badge
c. Scouting Skills Badge
d. Project Badge
e. National Affairs Badge
f. Cultural Activities Badge
g.World Affairs Badge
Expedition | Service | Scouting Skill | Project |
National | Cultural | World |
Highest Award : The Red Cord and Rover Scout Award
Senior and Junior Scout Rank Badges
Junior Patrol Second | Senior Patrol Second |
Junior Patrol Leader | Senior Patrol Leader |
Junior Troop Leader | Senior Troop Leader |
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